

Love Accident
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic accident which was about to happen.
I tried warning the little girl who was standing in the zebra crossing afraid of dying.
I was shouting"Sweetie come here"
But the kid just looked at me crying.
I had to do something for the girl.
I had no choice but to do something risky.
I quickly jumped in the zabra crossing hugged her,preventing her from the car.
I felt something hitting me and I knew it was last minute on earth or not.
I started closing my eyes hearing people shouting "Call 911"
The moment I opened my eyes I was in an unknown place.My eyes were burning because of the room's bright lights.
As I came to my senses I saw my mom,the little girl and an unknown handsome man.
As I opened my eyes the little girl hugged me saying "Thank you!"
I was worried so I asked "Are you hurt?"
She shook her head and I started looking at the man.
Mom quickly introduced "Um..Lorie this is the um....the driver who caused the accident"
I turned angry hearing it was the pathetic driver who was going to kill a little girl.
I was about to yell at him when he spoke calmly with a low tone "I'm sorry"
I glared at him wanting to shout in his face "Sorry my ass!!".But my mom gave me that look and I knew she would do something bad to me if I said my bad words.
I just mumbled "It's nothing"
After that the man introduced himself.
His name was Alex Chesterman he was 25yrs,3yrs older than me.
He turned to be a nice guy.
When I came out of the hospital he took me out for ice cream and a tour in the amusement park.
We became friends from them on.
I started having feelings for him and later he proposed and I said 'Yes' we became a couple and now I am waiting impatiently for our wedding in June.

Thanks for the read