

Art That Hides Around
When I was younger, we used to get to write an essay about our experience at the railway station. It was the first essay I had ever written. The first time, our teacher made us learn that essay. That she wrote herself. Then the following times we wrote it ourselves, and I have to admit, it seemed to be the most boring essay to write about. I didn't know what to write about that was not usual in these essays. The same old, We arrived early at the station and we observed the few trains go by till ours arrived then we had a snack, we got bored, and soon we hopped on our train and reach the damn destination. It was a blasé wave for me, until recently.

You know how they say, You'll understand better when you get older. I agree, but when we get older, we don't get time to realise it as we are too full of what we were supposed to experience well, now. What I mean is, writing an essay on your latest railway station experience is ridiculous but I understand now why this was a very relevant topic in the exams as these experiences are so vast and there is always so much more to observe to.

I know, I may seem like a mess here and don't really seem to present exactly what I want to but a railway station is so much more that just a place. It carries so many memories, so many emotions, so many messed up lives, so many beautiful goodbyes and will-see-you-soons. It's not just a destination, it's a whole journey. A journey of excitement, loss, love, happiness and as simple as a ugghh-let's-get-through-this-day-too.

The thing is, it's not really about waking up one day and realising that an essay having to write about your experience at the railway station contains much more than you thought it to have but the thought that life is a beautiful art and at every place, where your eyes lay on, could be as sentimental as a journey of a railway station. A journey full of stories, full of life.
© Supriya Baranwal