

As the sun rose across the sky's of Normandy France on this June morning the sky was filled with thousands of American bommers and fighters.

A few miles off the coast laid thousands of American and British war ships.

A silance of calm erupted with the eruption of hell on Earth. At once thousands of explosions we're Hurd across the French coast.

In the coastal towns, buildings collapsed and we're in flames as American bommers dropped tens of thousands of bombs.

As the smoke blew away from the shores of Normandy, you could see a invasion force of thousands of young men.

The Allie's were here to free mainland Europe from the claws of Hitler's THIRD REICH.

But this would not be ...

On May 13,1944 Nazi spies in London decovered plans of the invasion of Normandy.

Helping the Nazi Reich was Prince William, the Queen's nephew..

In 1937 Prince William met Adolf Hitler to show his support for the German Reich.

He pledged that if he was able to take the thrown of Great Britian he would aline Great Britian with the NAZI REICH of GERMANY.

Hitler ordered Field Marshall Rommal to take command of all German forces in Western Europe.

In late May, Field Marshall Rommal placed the 6th, 7th, 11 the SS Heavy Pazer Divisions just off the coast.

This was re inforcede by adding another 76,000 troops. in which 35,000 were top trained SS.

Germany also placed 700 fighters on the boarder of France and Spain.

This was overlooked by the American spies in the region.

By 8am the the first 3 waves of allied troops were stoped and the 4th was pinned down.

The massave amount of loss was reported back to London. General Eisnhower made the hard disasion....

At 9AM, General Eisnhower called off the invasion. But by now it was too late.

Field Marshall Rommal ,who was a true German and loyal soldier was not part of Hitler's NAZI REICH or the NAZI government, acted on his own as he sent a direct message to London and the ships off the coast that GERMAN troops would hold their positions and would allow a safe allied withdraw from the coast.

At 11:15 AM the first landing crafts landed with American soldiers with RED CROSS on their arms not guns.

By now the BBC were reporting the massave loss of life of British and American men.

In Washington DC people demanded answers. The cost was to high to fight and die in in yet another European war.

On the night of June 8, 1944 General Eisnhower resigned his post.

A month after the failed invasion , the United States of America met members of the Nazi Reich government in IRAN and agreed a cease fire.

Ending American involvement in the European war.