

What actually is love?
This is complex, meaning it holds is being connected to someone.
it's that single bond which two people share and it's a lot more than liking i guess...if you add a small word "true" before it, I mean "true love" is unbreakable, unwavering fondness you have for your the one. An imotional connection that is deeper than you think and life without your other half is unpredictable, a mix of feelings, behaviour, warmth, affection and respect towards the one you're in love with!
In a single line, love is trust, affection and care without any insecurity. a wish for someone's happiness even when they're not with you, you know you're important for Yourself still you wish the best for other person, that is love. In his/her eyes when you see the whole world, when his/her smile is more important than any other thing in your life, is love, when in his/her face you see something more Beautiful than stars...this my dear is love.
In short, Love is a Song that never Ends.....

© a_beautiful_flower