

What Seems Hidden Are Formed
I want to at this point reveal the things that seems hidden and secrete than they are in the open, as secretes are non-variables that exist exclusively elsewhere rather than in the open to be observed by sight.

Our minds know the things in the secretes that are hidden but could not analyze them because it remains indescribable such that one could not compare from what it represents abstractly to what exists concretely whereas its experience is not to be generalized.

Experiences are what guides our knowing into what we later describe as what we know and as well could be related to others who will than understand the realities it express.

It is not the case that the things that exist in our minds are hidden and secrete but a reflection of different realities that could be brought to the open after imagination through practical realities to what was conceived.

The things we are afraid of has revealing unknown secretes that will most certainly influence us for the good afterwards when we gear up the courage to face our fears and embrace them as they try to activate their roles in us.

Our dislikes are also another area where one could find the secretes of what is hidden to us as it is right within the depth that the content it has settles in other to be discovered by a free mind for possible findings in empty spaces.

Real secretes are naturally kept away from minds that are entangled, frustrated and hungered by the things it could not change and as well remain blinded and out of sight to the affected.

There is no secrete only if we could cultivate ourselves to a place of calmness, gratitude and understanding in that it will tend to make what is hidden establish itself in the open and basically put us in the true experience we need and could further express.

What we experience in the phenomenal are matters of ideas created through imaginations by the outcome of the things that were formed in the unfamiliar through our minds and in furtherance manifest in experience.

Manifestations are viewed as concrete entities after the manipulation of thoughts in realization and thereafter integrate its variables via constant reflections.

The things we constantly reflect upon are variables that forms themselves due to consequent pondering activities for what it ought to be from what it is not in findings and hoping.

Hoping and seeing it become what it is as expressed in our minds and bringing out the secrete path it portends is the strength of human observation and a pragmatic affair.

Practice and concentration upon what we pay zealous attention to implies good returns through making positive wish come like raindrops to taproots.

This is why we should opt into the unknown to finding out the things that exist alone whose experience has not been exploited and to bring out findings to the experienced ideas captured during the process.

It is the purpose of humans to exploit and explore as well as integrate their ideas into existing components that will sort out other variables in continuity till it becomes a constant drive into the secretes of the unfamiliar through making sure that the things that are secrete remain few in the dark because these discoveries will as a matter of fact assist existence for the better with less confusion and contradictions for a more prosperous living.

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© Ernest Oworodo