

Go Fu*k Yourselfes
Go fuck yourselves:

The Black-sheep
A maverick
The rebellious kind
Perfectly dysfunctional
Not part of the tribe
Out on his own
And happy with that
The Family charade
Played out by the weak
And mentally inept
Tarred and feathered
Naked to the world
This ain’t no tea party
Put the blame on me
Propaganda propagated
By those that believe
In an imaginary friend
The man in the sky
Forgiving your sins
When you know
You’ve done wrong
Gas lighting yourself
Manipulation of your
Own perception of reality
Me I am free
From all social norms
Constraints and constructs
I’m bound by non
My expectations
Lost to the wind
Self-esteem self-determined
I no need your approval
And I don’t care what you think
Nor what exits your mouth
I’m born of the universe
And a child of that
No one lives through me
I am my own epitome
The 9th planet from the sun
Shining my own light
Walking my own path
Never stopping to cry
Over already spilt milk
Of my heart and soul
My primary concern
I live on my terms
With no call to duty
Lessons learnt
Of a life well lived
And you
You are welcome to
Go fuck yourselves

the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
“your Ringmaster”

Original words and thoughts penned of heart & mind of:
©Warren Mace, A.k.a the Dyslexic Poet™

© All Rights Reserved