

Hello all. This is my first story ( more of a personal experience) . Didnot mention any names for privacy.
...I never believed in destiny before I got in college.I used to think that we can change our destiny. But i was proved wrong in a very shattering manner. Firstly let me tell you i believe personal life should be kept private, but there is a fine line of difference between private and " secret" . We never desire or deserve to be someone's " secret" . If we are in a healthy committed relation with a person we expect to be introduced to our partner's close circle. But when they start giving you lame excuses for their inability to introduce you to their close people then that's a red flag. I was stuck with a guy who seemed to be very much invested in me and used to tell me he loves me and all but whenever it came to publicly appear in a picture with me he used to step down. Whenever I confronted him , he was like " i don't like showing off" or "my relatives will tell my parents ". I accepted that and very well understood his point of view . But there came a time when he started posting pics with one of my girl friend and when asked he was like " she is your friend why are you so insecure". That hurt me , that really did because I knew in his mind he desired to be with someone as hot as her but was just keeping me as a side option for his desires. Not just this, when i stood up against his hypocrisies he abused me infront of my friends and to my surprise my friends supported him! Just wow! So i made up my mind and moved out of that relation. Thank God! Today after 5 years I am in a happy relation , touchwood. I am not saying this is a criteria or anything but it just feels nice and special. My bf introduced me to his family and friends and often posts pictures of us without me asking him to do so. Now people , don't get me wrong or don't judge me so soon. Posting pictures is not a criteria for loving someone . It's the acceptance and the guts to declare that i am taken and i am intending to stay with this person and let the world know that i have a wonderful person and we want to have a future . Everyone has their own way of showing love i understand but hiding someone is not one of those ways. Because when you are hiding someone from your close friends and the world you are actually telling them that you are potentially open and looking for a partner. Whatever it may be , its not Love! In all these years i never thought about my ex anymore, i never needed to because i think i have all i need. He gave a dp with his current gf and they are looking good together . I am genuinely happy for them . That made me realise that out relation was toxic because we were wrong for each other. We were not destined to be together and i am kind of glad about that though. Because when we meet our destined person we don't need to push, persuade or force anything it just flows like water towards its final destination!
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