

Back when tigers uses to smoke , ya they really used to it..anyways so a poultry farm owner with a super serum (no one still dont know who gave this serum to him) to make his hens aggressive so they do everything more you know what i mean but hens with serum get a disease so poultry farm ower abandoned them(he's too black harted man) and a another man eat one of those hens and he get a disease which make that person more aggressive.....the aggressive person run here there he start attacking people and the people also turn like that mad perso n and poultry farm owener also become like this now whos attack him i don't know and slowly whole town became that kind aggressive and scientist named these people ZOMBIES
and within whole country whole world
become a ZOMBIELAND.

but i was lucky im one of 10% population who still didn't changed into ZOMBIE . but that thing pissed me off i think that one day I'm also one of thier meal (wait did i forget to inform u that zombies are keep evolving they're now man eaters ..if now they attacked you they are gonna have u in thier dinner or breakfast or just as a snack..but luckily if u survived thier attack so indirectly your not lucky so u will changed into zombies ) okay back to topic so i was afraid till started to go to west coz 2% of non zombies lived thier not peacefully but thats fine . on that jouney i met to big brother DAVE( PRIMAL SURVIVALIST) JEFF (ENGG.)

Wait i just noticed after 1491 words that i didnt tell my name sorry I'm JONY(a loser who always think society will taunt him but now there's no society left so he's happy)
me ,dave & jeff we three in JEFF'S van countinue our journey to west . dave bro is a zombie hunter he have three ZOMBIE KILL OF THE WEEK awards thats amazing ,even jeff has a ZOMBIE KILL OF YEAR nominations but raman from india wins it .he blast whole taj mahal with 1200 zombies that amazing now we have only 6 wonders left . im also now kills a half dozen zombies. after a 14 month long trip we rached the white house .and thats all the backsotry now we are in present.

DAVE : so kidds, we r here the home to many presidents the white house.

JEFF: not that white .

DAVE : c'mon jeffy still whiter than the taj mahal

JONY : well dave bro well the taj is blast for the sake of this year's BEST ZOMBIE KILL .

DAVE : yeah jony boy how can i forget that rajesh took my title

JONY: dave bro i respect you but you're kills are not even in the nominees .

JEFF: i agreed jony boy , yeah dave you're not even in the nominees ur are a zombie hunter expert but u always shoot them with your ak-56 best ZOMBIE kills needs creativity.

DAVE: ugh your nerds..well jeff your destination is here as you said you want to live rest of your life in the white house so here you go.

JEFF: thanks dave.

JONY: well jeff you're my least favorite person in the group of we three but i missed you. take care.

JEFF: you're jerk thanks well joined me let's have party here in white house coz now im the president of us.

DAVE : well your logic sucks but jony and me have to countinue our journey and we've to find a vehicle so.

JEFF: here's the key take my van.

Dave & jony collectively said no
how we can.

JEFF: now take it and go man.

JONY: but if you need it

JEFF: need for what?

JONY: for taking groceries from market

JEFF: well there's one advantage to live here ..safe from your stupid ideas and logics. , well dave take it man.

DAVE: okay okay we're taking it alright.

JONY: well check house first .

DAVE: yeah jony boy is right we've to check the house.

JONY: yeah check the electicity, water supply.

DAVE: oh jony stop i thought u were talking about checking the zombies you disappoints me kid.

JONY: aaaa.....

JEFF: no it will be safe we never ever hear a single news about zombie attack here your guys should leave now i will call you for dinner but you guys will never agreed so time to say goodbye.

DAVE :[hug jeff] goodbye sounds negative..we will meet soon.

DAVE : c'mon jony boy let's go.

okay so lets get back to my narration I will interact with you guys time to time.
after dropping jeff to his destination me and Dave bro departure for our journey.
but after a couple of weeks we get information that the white house have water supply and electricity but also have zombies in this 4 or 5 jeff .

DAVE: i told him that goodbye sounds too negative and tell him to check the house but no he want to became a president ..another president killed o man!

JONY: but davejeff is changed into a zombie he tackle them but they bite him so..

well jeff is now a zombie its not good but Jeff broke rule no.34
well i forget another thing to tell you there are some rules that i made to live in this ZOMBIELAND making rules are good one have one's rules .

DAVE: well jony boy jeff made a mistake and face its consequences thats another lesson .

JONY: hhmmm

DAVE: well i told him to meet him soon but next time we will ever meet I've to shot him. thats my rule KILL TO SURVIVE!

JONY : well rule no.?

DAVE: just a random rule i don't make notes like you.

JONY: okay your choice but you should do it it will became easy to remember them then.

DAVE: your a quite neard typo kid . listen to me carefu....ohoo is
that a zombie crawling on the road..haha lets drive over him and make a ZOMBIE KILL OF THE WEEK

JONY: well check is it a human or zombie stop the van!!

van stopsssssss!!!!!!!!!!!

both get out of van

DAVE: [wishpers] jonny give me that rifle, take this pistol if its a zombie I'm gonna kill him .

both goes near the body

JONY: he's a human without any bites its a green signal

DAVE: oh damn it man, from past 3 weeks not a single zombie oh my lord !!
lets go back to van son, you drive now i want a power nap.

JONY: how we can left him behind lets help him take it to van.

DAVE: ugh....

