

why are some injections given on the arm and some on back.
Injections are generally administered as a bolus dose, but can also be used for continuous drug administration as well.The medication may be released slowly to be long-acting even when administered as a bolus, which is called a depot injection. If medication is to be administered long-term or with many repeated doses, use of an indwelling catheter is generally preferred.

Injections are among the most common health care procedures, with at least 16 billion administered in developing and transitional countries each year. Of these, 95% are used in curative care or as treatment for a condition, 3% are to provide immunization, and the rest for other purposes, such as blood transfusions. The term injection is sometimes used synonymously with inoculation, but injection does not only refer to the act of inoculation.

An injection necessarily causes a small puncture wound to the body, and thus may cause localized pain or infection. The occurrence of these side effects varies based on injection location, the substance injected, needle gauge, procedure, and individual sensitivity. To prevent pain, the area may be numbed or cooled before injection, and to prevent infection, proper aseptic technique should be followed. Fear of needles, also called needle phobia, is a common fear among people.
The injection which contains a lot of thick medicine is often applied on the waist because due to thick medicine, its flow in the veins is very slow due to which there is a lot of pain and swelling.
If such an injection is applied in the hands, it will be difficult to work with the hands, even it will be difficult to raise the hands. There is too much fat in the waist due to which swelling does not come and pain is not felt.
An injection that contains a thin drug, ie a dilute solution, is applied to the normal hand because its flow is strong in the veins, the chances of burning and pain are also very less.

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