

The wife: She's still beautiful.
Make your short story take place in a skyscraper. Stumbling through the skies, exactingly igniting the heavens. Rosario began to contemplate suicide... She was tired of her philandering husband and his stable of women..she was tired of his body shaming.her for gaining 10 pounds after having their baby son Roswell...she was tired of him not making love to her anymore because his other mistresses were so called better looking... Tonight she would end it all by ending her life...As she stood on the window ledge she saw another Person already there...it was a man and he was panicking.." please I don't want to take my life anymore.. help me to get back inside please!! for heavens sake I changed my mind... Rosario then without equivocation grabs at him with all of her delicate might as dainty as she is & miraculously pulls him in...& when he is safely inside..he suddenly without warning vanishes into thin Air...OMG!!! Rosario began...." I don't believe what has happened all of a sudden..it makes no sense....She looks to the ceiling as if there is something greater than her that caused such an occurrence... Immediately with tears streaming down her face she shamefully races from the building regretting her decision to kill her self..." What a drastic move " she uttered... Love can cause us to do the unexplainable.". as races from the building her place of work...She collides with a man looking like the man she saved but this time he was dressed as a security guard....bam!! the two are on the ground she lying on top of him & he holding her erect in his arms... impulsively & without forethought..she looks into his eyes & gently kissed him on the lips...he smiled bewildered and returned a soft kiss...the 2 laugh...a moment of silence follows...then they reached with their lips to kiss again & this time it is a long passionate French kiss...then reason prevails... I'm married says Rosario.. I'm a mother too..I understand said the security guard.... Maybe when your life is straight..we can meet on better terms...I respect the sanctity of your marriage...Go back baby..Go back where you belong...if you need me ..... I'm here waiting for you.. until then..Go back baby...he excorts to her luxury car , opens her door for her & before going she winks at him.. Pulling off she says.. WOW....he in turn replies Whoa!

The End
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