

Deep Secret:Chapter One
#Sneak peak#
"Dad,I'm sick..... and tired of living like this,I just...even struggled in the bathroom,"Emily says as she flings her bag on the couch before going to school,staring at her dad.Her dad,Eric,just staring at her says"c'mon Emily,don't give up now,you at a great risk of dieing if anyone,I mean anyone,finds out ,so please, for my sake,don't give up now"
Emily looks at her dad and sighs"Fine dad,am just tired,like how on earth did mum even manage to hide it from you.......of all people,..you."
"Its that funny Emily,your mum was such a wonderful woman......Alright now,..you're late for school,let's go".Her dad said as he picked up her bag pack ,and they left.

Okay,.....I think thats past a sneak peak,
CHAPTER TWO ,loading.........
© Katherinekatie