

Being your secret 🌟 chapter 2 part 2
*Later that night*

"Why are you so late today? It's 8pm already. Were you studying in the library?" As soon as she entered her house,her mother started interrogating her.
"If you haven't studied this time in school, you'll study all night today." Her father said while sitting in sofa & keeping his eyes on his magazine.
" But dad I'm very tired today" Sabrina said in her tired voice.
"If you continue like this you'll not be the topper anymore" Sabrina's father said in such a rude tone that made her flinch.
" Go and study." Sabrina's father said in a calm tone.
Sabrina immediately went to her room & locked the door.Then quickly she went to the washroom & got down on her knees and started crying.She cried. She cried so loudly. But her parents could not hear maybe they are too busy to care about her tears.
*The next day *
Sabrina was supposed to meet Brandon at 7:30am as usual at their meeting spot. But it is too late for her to wake up today. Well last night she had only slept for 2hours. At 7:45am Sabrina arrived their meeting spot but there was no sign of Brandon so she thought maybe Brandon is waiting for her at school. Actually all the other students come to school from 8:00am so So they met at 7:30am every day before going to school.
*At school*
Well as Sabrina reached the school she saw a scene that made her froze at her spot.
She saw Brandon sitting in the middle of the corridor with his friends group. A girl is sitting on her lap & she wrapped her arms around his neck & they are flirting. Tears rolled down on her cheeks.

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