

Jogging In To Action
On this night like so many nights
I was running getting my jog on
it started raining. Then I ran faster
To the house. But something was
going wrong and it was. a car that
pulled up to me. I looked an it was
a shadow of a figure. Then the door unlocked I heard get in. So I do a limo
I wanted to know who is this?
So I hear voices it must just be the
craziness in there atmosphere. Or the thunder in the sky sounding like an
Angel which has passed to another
level in life. Then silent as if I could not hear another word. before I see
a gun and a man while the other man
got his hands up. And I am like what
did I just jog up on for real. So the guy
is holding the limo at bay and I am
hold up in the middle of it. An the masked figure says so nice of you to
join me I am a killer who wants you
To break into a locker to keep these
too bystanders alive but you have to
do it and get back to this limo within 22 minutes. what yes so the car stops get out and go. So I run and do it grab a bag in a locker and run back to the limo and pass the bag he gets it then.
he says walk away. Then I get two blocks away and here shots. And start
crying I did what he said do so why? did he kill the people. So I tell my story to police and they say we took your statement but what can we do it was just talk and some gun fire. So we can't act but when it is seen by us we
Will search and look but that's all we can do. So he leaves And I jog away
back to my house lay low. to much action for me and I wonder why it all
happened the way it did. But some things are just weird like that. So I always wondered what was in the bag and did he kill the limo people. Who
knew that such a drama could unfold
in a limo and that even the police don't
have the answers but sooner or later
the truth about this matter will come
To light.
And 5 months later I see on the news two me got arrested today in a large cash ring in a stand off in a hotel
just on the outskirts of town. was in covered and the limo driver and owner
we're freed and they all say it's thanks
To a jogger on the streets early in the
the morning who got a bag and gave it
To the people which stopped the bad guy from killing them. Well stay Covid 19 free American and that's a wrap. So I turn off the tv an am glad
they two me are safe.
© Mar that