

Lessons to grow !! (part 2)
The problem with us, people, is that we are very sentimental. It's a bit beautiful, to find solace with a piece of paper which holds a memory yet destructive act of living - the way we keep things as if they are part of ourselves; a piece of bus ticket that could tell the journey we had, a movie stub that could tell that we had best times, a receipt from a gift we brought for ourselves to remind us that we had something we deserved.

You see, we are very sentimental, because for us, they are not just a piece of trash or paper, they are the proof that we had good times, a justification that we once had been here or there, a proof that we existed once in a particular park or corner of a room, that we had once acknowledged our very own existence.

Yet, that's the root of our own suffering, we are very sentimental that we refused to leave things behind because we are afraid that "those" things might feel forgotten, because we are also afraid to be forgotten.

It is the problem of us people, the reason why we tend to hold onto the things that we once held for a long time; afraid of leaving them behind or letting them go.

Just think of it this way, if a tiny piece of paper, ticket, stub and receipt that we refused to let go, thinking that we might lose parts of ourselves - imagine what kind of pain it holds to let go an actual "person", a certain someone, a living proof of our existence, that not just holds a memory, but also a feeling that some time of our lives, we learned to love.

© Taehyung Biased 💜
#lessonstogrow #rosiewriteups