

Love Story (Series) Daily2
I smiled to her and asked "What do you have in mind after coffee?" she chuckled and replied "Well we could go out, or your place even mine. You never know." I looked at Greg, wondered in my mind if he'd be fine with just me and Stacy going. Even though we hadn't decided but one thing was certain she had something going on in her mind. I requested him "Greg can you excuse us Stacy and me want to talk regarding something in privacy" the simple man walked to counter and started having a conversation with the staff.

I looked deeply into her and asked "Now tell me what do you really have in mind" I was intrigued at first as when I asked her this question. It was as if her whole body had began to shake. What she showed me next made my body shake. She showed me conversation she was having with Greg, at first I didn't understand what was odd about it but as she scrolled down a disgusting picture popped up.

That is what outragered me I just didn't show it as I didn't want to make a scene. I said to her "How about you carry on, after all I'm meeting him after such a long time" in my mind I had questions, big ones.

I called for the check and the both of us went my place. Finally I was home and alone with Greg, as per my experience the right place and time for a confrontation. "Greg I'm going to ask you something I hope you will be true to your word" I said.

He looked at me wondering for a while but then said "Sure Rich, you know you can trust me right." I replied with a sigh "I just hope so"

He looked and asked "Rich tell me what's going on? Please." I showed him the picture he'd sent to Stacy to which he giggled and said "So she finally sent you that pic too and let me guess she must have made it seen I'm hinting her right. Rich s...." before he could finish interrupted and asked "Tell me the truth what's going on?" Greg replied bodly "You want the truth fine but it's not pretty for you, she not who you think she is. Wait I'll prove it to you" he took out his phone and his chat with Stacy said.

Stacy: Hey, Greg what are you doing?

Greg:Hi, Stacy been long how are you

Stacy:Tell me do you have time for coffee?

Greg: Sorry at work. Bye..

Stacy:I'm going to meet your best friend do you wish to join us?

Greg: Sure his place right?

Stacy: Don't be late I'll be waiting.
*We'll be waiting.

Greg: Bye

Greg asked Richard furiously "Now tell me, also is there only one person named 'Greg' in the world. I came to meet you cause wanted to see what she looks like. Don't me wrong Rich, trust me there's nothing going on. Get your facts right ok? I don't want a girl to come between our friendship again." I nodded, "Your right, I came to a conclusion too fast. I shouldn't have doubted you." "My phone's ringing its right beside you rich can you please pass it.

Sure but let's see who's calling" Gregs face went pale. I picked up the phone on the other side of the line was Stacy who in sweet voice said "Greg I'm sure, you must have convinced Richard that there's nothing going on between us your a genius. A genius I love"

End for 3/2/20

©Prince Parulekar

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