

"The asteroid is heading undeterred towards us. We're doomed," the newsreader quoted, her face ashen in shock.
Missiles were used to hit the asteroid like a drop in the bowl of water not a big difference , tried everything and military couldn't save them they say it is their time humans are going to vanish . Most of them are watching this asteroid from the top of building and most of them doing their thing like this could be their last chance and most of them giving all their money to the people in the road which kind of no use to anybody at such situation but thinking they were so kind to do such thing. Somebody holding their bunch of cash and gold closer with a weird laugh and somebody with their families doing their last prayer of lifetime and somebody playing video games as everyday looking for loot so they can enhance their character and few people are blessed with a meal they can never afford of and some people hiding in the bunkers hoping it could save them from extinction .
The asteroid is closing towards earth at speed of 57miles per hour scientists are calculating the ratio of impact and which places on earth still give a chance to survive, politicians are exposing themselves of what they done as an apology for whatever they did until, actors making a live feed to their fans about how they feel about the asteroid sports persons are hugging each other showing you can't do better than me feeling inside some people gone to their shrine hoping the asteroid won't hit them even though some of them are straight at point the asteroid going to hit , if God wanted to save them why would he let asteroid hit the earth at first place maybe because of bad things done by people( it's not a topic to be covered in story) almost before the hit .
Ma!?,why did you off the TV it was so intresting .Go to your bed and sleep it's almost 11pm already. Okay Ma .
Really what could happen if such asteroid hit the earth ?is it the big ending to the mankind? how could nobody stopped it where are the superheros I'm seeing in the TV. Aren't they real ? Even if they were real they will be busy in TV .I almost forgot I have a math test tomorrow.
note: one can stop the asteroid if tick any of the three options below.

1.are you a superhero with extraordinary abilities ?

2.are you from the future after the asteroid hits?

3.are you an enthusiast with lots of ideas with extraordinary brain ?

option for remaining: are you one of them who don't care enough to change the channel because remote is too far away ?.