

Global thought (A humble letter to humanity),ahmadseventy@gmail.com
Once this world was mostly scattered and all places and countries were not discovered even most recent past people tradden as well as untradden were pure ignorant of world outside. But recent century is called the century of information and the information has made this scattered world the global village. todays newborns are very much informed and learned about the whole globe .Then it is a big question that why victims of somany crimes are not been accounted by powers and super powers of world.
According to histories there had been numerious civilizations existing but with the passage of times they have met their end. We usually call it as pre historic period or anicient period. But since the times from which a man is existing in the world, the rivalry and enimity is continued from that very day, limitless wars have been waged,the rivers of blood sheded in waste. But whatever happend and what world experienced up to world war 2nd all is now past, All these bottles are now expired can not be used now.
Thetraddional world has gone ,it is post modern informative technological world now. It is not now the caved anicient and ignorant backward and untradden man,the man is now having much exposure and information ,he is fully aware of his duties and rights, has civicsense of not to cheat and not to be cheated. Give preffrence and opportunities others you will be more gainer of much more. Respect others you will be respected. Live peacefully and let live in peace was the new slogan of third world .
The question is why every country is engu aged in arms race ,what does itmean , why wars are...