

Truth be told
I came to you out of genuine love and faith. I overcome many obstacles and push myself extremely beyond and only asked for a fraction in return.

When disrespectful to authority figures strange things happen. Which goes for any given life. Yet when it comes from someone that is supposed to be on the team to guide and direct. It outrageously ludicrous!

While I am isolated and going through things that I have never been through before. I am still trudging to continue what I set out to do.

In between oversleeping. I am creating and completing responsibilities. Beating myself up and fighting against all odds to continue further. Even though intense suicidal thoughts. That is always exhausting!

The old me would have given up years ago! Realizing that a dream is only a dream. Especially when being unnoticed for such a long period of time. And abused by so many with only one percent of love being noted among a masses. While steadily being torn down externally as well. Yet I have taken it all in stride. Working for a better day that rarely comes!

How much more should a brother take that is reasonable to unreasonable standards before it is deemed that he should break!

Nevertheless, due to other undisclosed reasons. I am somewhat still humble within this pain! And this is what I mean that is really not me! For I truly pay attention to things that I totally ignore. But I bet another would not! Yet I am focusing on being humble as well as honorable. And it is painstaking to have to constantly be this strong just to be shot down with every effort that I take! No president or king would accept it. No soldier would or so called peasant! So I am wondering why I am so special that I am demanded to accept so much abuse. After giving extraordinary efforts just to continue to accomplish set goals and a so called dream that no artist could accomplish during their time unless they was set from birth to begin with!

Anyway I am again working on this other project that no one believes that I be doing while working on other projects and I mental issue that I highly do not recommend any one else to try on their own accord. For it is very difficult to accomplish without the proper tools. Which I do not have.

Yet, believe it or not... I still have nothing but love for this journey. No matter how imperfectly difficult I have to do this!
© Bazilisk49