


The last bullet left the muzzle of his rifle with a deafening bang. It took all his might squeezing the trigger. He had to shoot at the clowns mouth and pop the balloon to win that slinky for the chick he was seeing. POP went someone else's balloon first. That's not fair. This game is rigged he said. Then he realized all the games are rigged because he works there. He's a Carnie. He picked up his previous prizes, 2 goldfish and a pair of fuzzy dice. He had to find another game to win that slinky. He wasn't going down without a fight! Oh man, I'll do the potato sack race on the slide. I can beat all those brats. It was so hot. He asked a lady to watch his goldfish. She said no so he tossed them in the trash. He walked over to grab a potato sack. He was sizing up his competition. A fat kid. Some dork wearing headgear. A girl with a broken arm and a boy with a shirt that said, I'm OK. He wondered why the boys parents bought him a shirt saying he's just OK. Easy pickens he thought. He pulled out the thin black comb from his sock. Combed back his greasy carnie hair then tucked it nicely back in his sock. He pulled up his other pant leg to get the Gatorade in the other sock. Right on. It's still halfway cold. He drank some and threw the container at the girl with the broken arm. Dinged her right on her melon. She's out. He thought he should take out his strongest opponent. Cool. Our turn. He laid down his potato sack on the slide. Damn this slide is hot. He took out his bandana from his other back pocket, fluffed it open and laid it across the sack so it wouldn't be so hot. Brace face took one look at him and laughed extra hard and said, look at the baby. Going to cry baby? Is it too hot? Of course no one understood him due to his headgear being strapped across his mouth. The bell rang and the race started. He learned a trick on how to go faster. He pulled the front of the bag up between his legs and leaned back. He thought, I'm really flying now. He opened his eyes and saw everyone else had finished. Now he had to trade something for that slinky. Hey kid, how would you like to trade me for your slinky. Ok he said. Whatcha got? I'll tattoo you for free. Cool said the kid. He took him to his trailer and started tattooing the 10 year old. When done the carnie got his slinky and the boy his tattoo. He ran and found his parents. His parents screamed. The boy had tattooed on his forehead "I'm OK".

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