

to 👼 Angel
it is hard to live when you are not comfortable with yourself. it is somewhat easy to live when you are comfortable with your surroundings, with the people in your life. but not when you know those same people in your life would not be comfortable with who you truly are. they are comfortable and familiar with the person you present to the world, but deep down you know who you really want to show everyone. but you are not going to be able to change everyone’s perception of you. so many people know you. so many people have this image of you that is actually opposite of what you feel. completely contradictory to what you are. but what are you? are, as in what do you have to reveal about yourself to find out what you truly are. what you are is very much different than who you are. because when people ask you “who are you?” you always put on that same personality like an uncomfortable jacket. it tries its best to fit on you like the other ones, the ones you always admired growing up because they were always so accepted. nobody ever questioned them or paid much attention to them. there was no reason to, they never stood out, but that always was a good thing. you tried your best not to stand out. it was really hard for you, was it not? it was really hard to change yourself for them. you swallowed your fears and did your best and succeeded. now, where does that leave you? today, you are surrounded by media every single second. expectations and other people you envy. you hide yourself whenever the sun is out, even though that is where everyone wishes to live. during the night, there is nothing else but you. and you always adore that because there is not a single soul like yours at night. there is not anything there but you, and even if you choose to share that space with someone, you know they truly care for you. what you truly are is a being. you are not a person that has to meet up to anyone’s expectations. you are a being with a beautiful soul. you do not have to define yourself just because everyone else has already defined you in their heads. let go, be free, be what you truly are. understand that you are more significant than a piece of fiber in a blanket, like the one you constantly try to hide under. understand that your soul is made up of many different colors, many different emotions, and you are able to feel so much even if it is overwhelming. they all know who you are, but they will never know what you are. that, you have to discover for yourself. how you discover yourself is up to you, because souls are all different. you’re young, you’re struggling to find your true identity. although you have so much time to live, you believe you need to figure everything out immediately. you are being told you have to figure out how you feel now, now, now. but please take your time, everything is going to be alright.
© Shruti 💫💙🦚