

Hauty Eyes

Shut me out so that I can feel vulnerable and guilty, close my mouth so that I may not have control over my body, it's five in the morning he is staring at me, says if I'm not going to sleep your not getting any, as he is gripping my wrist forcing a kiss , I'm not wrong but I speak small, for a short breath though, no , no, no, I won't dare fill the void with terror, oh I rather save my spirit and leave him to dinner alone with somebody unknown for I know this chaos is drowning me like quick sand, but I untangled you from hanging yourself, save me I'm asking for forgiveness and their is high power in confession, my love, my already unhealed scars, I did not give you permission to rip out my heart I gave you permission to break us apart in a dangerous prayer I knew their would be a clearer pathway for me it's how God works when they aren't watching, I bend in knee for clarity something's darker when seen my ears were more eager to the other half of me, bind your strength for as long as I did, using a child to proclaim authority and break chains for a new beginning ,it's the simple things you do like using a child to let her go. not letting her drown. I now know you opened and gripped tight to the door, I will never understand your works but I know this, the hauty eye that watches me will never take my dignity or my happiness, for the will is yours and magical.
© Aura Dej