

You saved me🙏Am free saviour cancer
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic but I couldn't see because I was to drunk with cigarette smoke while driving I don't know how but I got to a big accident and then when I was lying there with all over blood and I remember I was say today am dead, but in the middle of that thinking I hear a small voice say if I give you a second chance will you promise you will never ever drinking again alchol and I say yes and He saved me.
and I was taken to the hospital hospital and I start getting better and then I gotta discharged from the hospital after months pass It start getting hard even to afford food and then I start blaming when I was in wheelchair and then I hear phone ring and I picked up and hear some voice say in the phone to offer me a job I was left speechless and I say thank you and hang up the phone after that I ended up say you saved me.
after a year passed my health start to get worse I remember one day when I was at work place I start feel deasy and my heard star to arch and I fall after sometime I came to get concious I found my self at the hospital and doctor was checking on me. I ask the doctor what is wrong with me and he respond by saying you have a cancer my heart couldn't bear that and I star crying and calling mamy to came to the hospital, after sometime mamy arrive and ask what is matter and I told her that I have cancer and am going to die but my mom touch me and Neel in his knees and she start praying for me and after some months pass by I was get check again and doctor tell me i have no cancer you a survivor and I end up saying you saved me if he did for me he can also do that for you

our GOD will never live you no foresake you he will give you a second chances if you're willing to let him in your heart to make you whole and completed by him he will give you peace, joy and a sound mind