

Her throat went dry...with a purse mouth and sighing she moved towards the door steps...She just heard those fearfully words spoken to her mom..."Just 2 more week is left for her".Her body responded its grief with few drops of blood from her nose!!! She just wiped it...entered the room and looked into Doctor's eyes;the window to his soul...not even a single strand of hope was visible in his eyes.She then left the room and reached home.Her mind was disturbed, but her hands accidentally got collided with a book named "Faith is greater than fear" she leafed through it.From somewhere a ray of faith kissed her soul,faith in her got boosted,fear which was pulling her backwards till now ,got tarnished by the gun shot of her inner faith...almighty may have played his game,because all the bad thoughts in her went upside down.

Days and weeks passed she just forgot about her illness.Even deadline of her survival on this world had crossed.The fear of death,illness all got vanished.It was the miracle of faith that saved her from the evil hands of death.