

Destiny Part(III)
When his friend asked him why he wasn't coming college next day. He said he has to attend some sort of fun fair in his mother's office
What they didn't knew was that their mothers' were childhood friend.
The next day Arsheen was standing near a stall he suddenly noticed a girl which looked familiar
Arsheen: “Is this Noof he whispered to himself. No, what would she be doing here.”
Suddenly his mother arrived and she wanted him to meet her childhood friend. He agreed to meet her friend.
Arsheen's Mom: “Here this is my son Arsheen.”
THE OTHER LADY: “ No doubt he is just like his father only his eyes are like you. I must say he looks smart as well.”
Arsheen: “ Nice to meet you. Yes, everyone do say this that I look like my father more.”
Arsheen's Mom: “Where is your daughter, she was right here a moment before.”
The lady called her daughter “Noooooof cone here I want you to meet someone.”
Arsheen felt like his cheeks were burning. He was blushing and sweating. He couldn't believe his eyes that the girl he dreamt of was in front of him. When she arrived all that Arsheen could do how cute and beautiful she was looking.
Arsheen: “How could anyone look so gorgeous. Ahhhhhh! Those eyes are just mystery. She seems so perfect. She is…”
Arsheen's Mom: “Here she is Noof . She is her daughter you both might be of same age.”
Noof was in rage starting at him just as she was supposed to kill him. She remembered all that disaster he brought to her.
Noof's Mom: “Say Hello! Dear.”
Noof: “Hellllllllll O .”
Arsheen: “ Emm! Hi. I hope you're doing well.”
Noof whispered to herself “ Yes, I was doing well unless you haven't arrived.”
Arsheen's Mom: “ I think we should let kids to talk and we will bring something for them to eat.”
The other lady nodded her head.
They left them alone to talk and all they were doing to look at each other. Arsheen was looking at her because she was looking beautiful and he couldn't resist himself staring at her. Noof was only looking at him because she wanted to break his bones about what he did to her.
But from a distance someone was looking at them these were their mothers'
Arsheen's Mom: “I told you that they will make it.”
Noof's Mom: “ Oh! They are looking so cute together as made for each other.”

Why were they looking at them?
Why they left them alone to talk?
Why the said they're gonna make it?
What did they meant by made for each other?
What Arsheen felt for Noof?