

My Mother
I was 5, I watch my father hit and beat up my mother with no mercy he throws her on the floor not minding if she falls on thongs I was just little and I knew nothing, despite the fact that I was little I still felt my mother’s pain.I walked up to my mother were she was sited in tears I stretched out my little hands calling to her for a hug I muttered her name(mummy) with a creaking and sobbing voice she answered “yes my child” why does father hit you? it took long before she could say something,It was as if my questions was a boomb that hit her head,maybe she was not expecting me to ask her such questions….She finally pulled herself together to answer my question,but I still didn’t believe her that can’t just be the reason father should be hitting her like that.
“Crack, crack” hmm I jumped out of bed just to know what was happening.I opened the door and walked out in a hurry and to my greatest surprise I saw my mother on the floor lying beside some broken flower verse she had blood all over her body, I ran to meet her but my father pulled me back on my hair so hard that I thought my hair had gone of my scamp.He dragged me into my room and looked me up I banged and banged the door trying to find my way out to see my mother but I couldn’t I kept crying till I fell asleep. At 4pm in the evening I was awake I think I woke up because of the noise outside..it sounded like a siren,I stood up and looked out of the window I saw the neighbors in front of our house and I saw a vehicle it looked like a hearse…No wait it’s a Hearse.What’s a hearse doing in our compound?, is anyone died?, the questions went through my mind and then I saw some men carrying someone out from our house my room was at the left hand side in the house so I could see everything happening. When they came close I saw that it was my mother that they were carrying out “MY MOTHER”
© Sommy