

The weekend getaway
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand. I was not bleeding, then whose blood was on the knife? I looked around but could not see anything, it was dark and I was surrounded by trees. I got up, as I tried to make sense of everything and find my balance, I noticed a blood trail, in the dark it looked more like blood stained footprints but I wasn't certain.Following the trail, led me a bit deep into the forest, I was certain I would not find my way home, infact saying my prayers and preparing for death itself wis my resolution. It is cold and horribly dark, I can barely move and it feels as if I had hit something when I fell unconscious. As I keep moving through the trees and stumbling in the dark I feel like giving up but the light glowing through the trees in the dark keeps calling me. As I get close to the cabin, I hear screaming followed by the sound of breaking glass, this should have set off my nerves but I had just regained my consciousness a few minutes agoand I can barely make sense of anything. I don't even remember how I got here, in the middle of the woods and the only thing in my mind is to continue heading for the cabin.Outside the cabin a nicely lit fire glows, the starless night promises rain and then suddenly it hit me, the dog he isn't barking but seems to enjoy my company, it seems like it already knows me, after scanning it's collar it was official, this is my sisters' pet, this place, the cabin she had rented it for our weekend getaway- could the blood be hers'?- I hope not.I step onto the veranda and that's when the blood stained footprints caught my eye and I opened the door, to find the rack holding two jackets, they seem to both belong to men and the manly boots confirmed it. The dinner table which was properly set was messed up and that's when it all came back to me. We were about to have dinner when two strange men claiming that their truck had broken down a mile down the road had knocked on our door. Izzy being kind found nothing strange about it and let them in, offered them a warm bed to spend the night so that they can restart their journey in the morning. We went out, looking for firewood me and one of the men while Izzy and the other man lit the fire, As we were in the dark forest collecting firewood he tried to choke me and so I grabbed the knife in my apron's pocket and stabbed him but he grabbed my leg and knocked me down straight on a heavy stone which made me fell unconscious.
Another scream coming from the bedroom brought me back to the present moment, I followed it holding my hunting gun and hoping I will be able to save my sister in time. I opened the door and there they where, the guy I had stabbed busy with the first aid kit, my sister stripped naked and in the hands of the other cauprit..... she didn't seem terrified, on the contrary she seemed to be enjoying herself,she was not screaming because she was afraid, she was playfully screaming. Her look explained everything, it was clear from her expression that she had planned the whole thing, her aim was to end my life,so she could have the insurance benefits, she had already squandered our parents inheritance and now she was looking at getting my life insurance, she wanted everything I had and she was willing to sacrifice me for it. They cornered me and all I could do was fall into tears, the one person I trusted and loved dearly betrayed me and thats when I heard the police sirens, the 911 call was the good decision I've done this entire weekend, they knocked me unconscious again as they tried to escape, fortunately they couldn't and here I am in the ambulance watching them being taken away in the police car