

i'm numb
I give you a thumbs up
for the pain you've caused deep in my heart
my heart keeps bleeding
my body has gone numb
my mouth has gone dumb
I have no words for you, just know I'm hurt

in every single year
I'm drowning in my tears
since you've hurt me so much
my heart has gone numb
should have known love is a scum
when I sticked on you like gum

whenever I think you
I hate my self for loving you
I never thought it'll turn out this way
never thought it'll end in betray
at the end you left in clear mid-day

at the end it was just a playdate
a play date for the the woman I used to date
now it's too late
for me to open you the gate
because you used me as bait
to fish for what you indeed needed
I'm numb and have no more feelings

numb I say, numb
I'm numb

© Felix eeries