

How sweet is life out of the beer gardens
Book entitled
The vision,the word and salvation
Written by Apostle Bonifácio

Title:How sweet is life out of the beer gardens

Brethren,i greet you in the Name of Christ the Redeemer...May His light shine upon you who truly need Him.

Clap your hands for the Lord you who never tested the sweetness of the life out of the beer gardens.

Did he write to judge?
I guess "No" because he serve the Lord whose words are: "Do not judge,that you may not be judged",(Matthew 7:1).

He the spirit of the living God writes through him,let us give him our attention in order to see what he's bringing on the table.

Brethren,allow me to pick these healing words: "how sweet is life out of the beer gardens ?".

One day I was passing by the beer gardens which I used to pay it a visit,i remembered that place,and as I was passing by,i heard the evil spirits saying to me: come join us,we miss you...and I said to them: (I am 3 kilometers away from your garden,and life is too sweet this side even though your ruler hardens everything.

I travelled in spirit,my vision was opened and I could see the best life that I live away from the beer gardens.

I did not write to judge or condemn,i wrote to share the sweetness that I feel out here.

Life was very tough when I was a drunkard,even now it's still tough but now I see things clearly.

If you are addicted to beer,you spend money,you wake up tomorrow and you think that your money have been stolen...truly you are not called to be part of that world.

To drink beer is not a sin,but when you are drunk you commit sins easily...so the good thing is to step out of the beer gardens because Jehovah God doesn't stay there...On that world Satan is a great ruler,anything happens.

You can be holy as our Creator is holy but once you step into beer gardens to drink some bottles,the wicked demons embrace you and they instruct you to please them by simply drinking their cup of sins and once you drink their cup,you start enjoying adultery,you pour blood easily,you embrace the pride,etc.

So I wrote to encourage those whom I met when I stepped out of the beer gardens "dear friends stay here,do not go back into the world of beers for there's no peace,i know that you are not perfect but if you decide to stay away from beer gardens in order to obtain the holiness of God,then Christ Himself will embrace you and He will turn you into His witness because you have a lot of testimonies when it comes to the topic of today".

Allow me to run and rescue those whom the wicked chained in that world, "dear friends,when I look at you I cry,because I see the angel of God being played by the wicked demons...you work hard so you shouldn't spend your money as if you spending other people's money...take care of your beautiful family".
God loves you.

I had nothing much,i just wanted to tell the world that the people who enjoy life are those who don't drink alcohol...and those who don't smoke are enjoying sweet life.

Let us pray for one another for God to show us mercy in Jesus Name.
Remember that I did not write to condemn,but I wrote to share the beauty of life lived by those who don't do alcohol.

Divorce the evil spirits which vowed to spend your life in the beer gardens,say to them "there is a good Sheppard called Jesus Christ,that King called Messiah is a weapon which brings salvation unto those who need it.

Life is too sweet unto the world of the people who are addicted to cold drinks,tea, coffee or water.
May God bless you more from today and forever in Jesus Name.

Son & the
Holy Spirit.Amen

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