

Far From Heaven's Reach
A thousand years of conflict is taking place between two capitals of a very powerful races. A war between heaven and hell itself. Bodies of dead angels and demons covered the city of the purgatory known as Almutahar.

When God created Eden, he placed two humans with an opposite gender, he said to his Angels that they should served the human as their master but one proud Angel named Lucifer denied God's orders and planned a rebellion against him but his powers are no match from the ruler of Aljana.

God banished the morning star to hell thus becoming the first king of hell. He divided hell into 9 circles and each circles breeds powerful demons from the soul of a human being. He resides at the 9th circle of hell and build his own kingdom named Sheol.

But after a few years, two powerful warriors are born.

Selene, the first daughter of the archangel Michael. She was born at the fifth sphere of heaven, where angels are trained to become champion of God. She has a light pink hair and her wings are white like snow during winter.

Azrael, the son of the first devil king himself. He was born at the fifth circle of hell, where the wrathful souls are being punished. He has a black hair and black devil wing on the right side while black angel wing on his left side.

The prophecy said that both of them will face eachother at the right time. If one of them defeat the other, the result will be the downfall of their homeland and he or she will rule over Eden the land of humanity.

"What will be the fate of Eden?..."
© Dave