

Sabrina's mistakes
Once upon a time there was a girl called Sabrina it was almost Sabrina's birthday she wanted to get the best party ever. She had two friends called Ali and Alia she treats them very badly. one day Ali decided to tell Sabrina that they can't be friends any more Sabrina was furious so she let them go. then the next day she decided to play a prank on them so she set up paint at the school door as soon as soon as they heard someone they would drop the paint Sabrina was already in class so she wouldn't be able to see it then they heard a footstep they dropped the paint and to there surprise it was no one but the principal it didn't catch the principal luckily but there was paint everywhere IN MY OFFICE AFTER SCHOOL ALL OF YOU said the principal she was very mad They went to class your late said the teacher we're sorry miss Able said nil and jack it's ok said the teacher just don't be late again they sit beside Sabrina as they told Sabrina she said please don't tell that it was my idea I will be in so much trouble we're sorry but we of to said nil and jack I'll pay said Sabrina ok how much 50$ deal she gave them the money after school they went to the office suspension for 4 days they just went home. Today is Sabrina's birthday Sabrina told all her friends to come to her house Sabrina went home and her parents told her that she can't have a party this year she had very rich parents wh why said Sabrina were sorry sab sab but we need this money to send you to college NO NO NO that's not fair why did you have me if you can't give me what I want said Sabrina her parents got mad at her for the first GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW YOUR GROUNDED said Sabrina's Mother Sabrina went up to her room for the first she felt like a normal kid she wanted to call Ali Me Alia but she thought they wouldn't answer she was there alone with her thoughts all she could think about was her friends so she called them someone answered the phone it was there mom hey Alia said Sabrina there not here at the moment sweetie there at the hospital with there dad he's in a coma can I come look for him said Sabrina some other time sorry only a few people can go to the hospital said Alia and Ali's mom ok bye miss Amie bye. Sabrina went to sleep she woke up and called her friends they answered  hey said Sabrina what do you Alia said I just wanted to say I'm sorry for how I treated you guys please forgive me said Sabrina Ali and Alia said it's ok and btw why didn't you make it to school Thursday asked Sabrina oh we didn't wanted to go Oh good thing you didn't  it was a disaster Said Sabrina so we can be friends again said Sabrina sure said Alia and Ali. the end.

So you see life can come with treasure and that treasure doesn't what matters is how you use it
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