

grow your eyelashes in 30 days.
hello, there are given some steps to grow your eyelashes in 30 days.
however, there are many people in the world who has a dream of big, beautiful and attractive eyelashes. So.. they use false eyelashes but in this story I have bring some ways to grow your eyelashes.
SO let's start!
1) combing: as you comb your hair, your hair fastens growth as you comb your eyelashes, your eyelashes will also grow.
comb your upper and lower eyelashes 2 times a day.
2) oiling: as you apply oil in your hair your hair fastens growth as you apply oil in your eyelashes, your eyelashes will also grow.
apply oil in your upper and lower eyelashes daily once.
you can use pure coconut oil, almond oil or olive oil. this 3 is a good option.
3) petroleum jelly: petroleum jelly or vasline is a good idea to grow your eyelashes. use petroleum jelly or vasline daily once in your upper and lower eyelashes.
4) a healthy diet: always eat healthy foods that can give your eyelashes protein to grow. eat vegetables, fruits, nuts and dairy products.

precautions: don't use mascara for 30 days give your eyelashes some rest.

If you have any query just ask me about it.

.•♫•thanks for reading.•♫•.