


After Dr. Western managed to convince his daughter Abigail to agree,

The Abigail Project began.

Abigail underwent all kinds of surgeries and implants and substance tests. She was mutilated, drugged and exposed to torture. Nobody saw how all those humiliations were going to develop the supposed super soldier that Dr. Western intended. But the changes began to be noticed after a while.

Abigail's appearance had changed drastically, her bones had grown enormously, but the skin had stretched a lot too, so that it looked wrinkled on her elongated limbs. Her teeth were also growing gigantic and her behavior was becoming more animalistic and less rational.

Several colleagues of Dr. Western urged him to stop the Abigail Project, that it was outside the limits of all human and scientific action.

That the project had been diverted and now the damage was irrecoverable. But Dr. Western, in his arrogance, was willing to take the experiment to its ultimate consequences. It was not that he hated his daughter. On the contrary, she was the most precious thing for him.

However, he knew that if they ended the project, his daughter might die immediately, since her disfigured body now depended on the technology and conditions that were in the base to survive.

Some employees of Area 51, mostly the cooks, revealed to the man who leaked this story that they were ordered to prepare huge plates of food that they had to introduce through a slot into a room sealed with a steel door.

They never knew for sure what was behind it, but that there were many rumors about the kind of monster that was inside.

They also said that on several occasions they managed to see Dr. Western standing in front of the door, crying or talking to the creature.

Eventually Abigail ended up losing what was left of her human rationing. She became a beast.

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© IzZz_Yy