

My Dear Jain
Today embarks the first day of my relationship with jain.
I fell head over heels for her on the very first day of college.
That magical moment, I still remember it like it was just yesterday.
She helped and cared for me, when no such things were thrown my way till then.
She was the first person in my life to care about me.
Though the journey was filled with throns, but yesterday, I, Priya, got courage to confess and she accepted
Which brings us to today, our very first date.

I dress my best and make sure I look as cute as possible, she says she likes my cute clothes.
A purple frill gothic lolita style, matched with curly twin tails and rabbit pins elevates my cuteness to it's max potential.

On expected time, I meet her, as expected she's stunned by my fashion. The desire I see rising in her eyes makes me ecstatic.

I hold her hands and guide her through the carefully planned date spots.

First we stop by her favourite pastry shop, I take the velvet pastry into my hands and feed it to her mouth.
Feeling a little sly, I "Accidentally" slip some on her cheeks.
[Oh no!! I'm so sorry, let me clean it for you]
I exclaim in shock, with sad puppy face I bring my face closer and lick her cheeks.
It tasted sweet and I think something sweet also gushed from somewhere below my belly.

Jain blushes at my innocent actions, accepting everything of me.
She never rejects me.

After that we visit the theater and watch a nice romantic movie.
During the screening, I pop a popcorn into my mouth and feed it to jain.
Jane takes in my saliva popcorn with zero resistance.
She never opposes me.


Finally we reach the final destination, my, or I should say OUR home.
I welcome her in with open arms.
She suddenly hugs me tight
[Feeling a little frisky, are we♡] I tease
Not wanting to be dominated, I RIP her clothes and throw her onto the kitchen table.
She looks at me with shy, upturned eyes.
The beast inside me awakens and start devouring my beloved jain.
Just hearing her loud moans make my underwear smell foul.
My angel, my saviour has finally become one with me.
Is this what happiness feels like? It must be.
This must be the happiness I deserve for all the sadness life threw at me.
She became my salvation.
I mustn't let anyone taint her.
As I was about to reach climax a loud bang at the door takes away my attention.
Frustrated, I rush out and open the door.
Suddenly some rude people throw me on the ground and tie my hands with something cold.
Oh Jain, run away, they are here to take you away from me!!
Anger boils inside and after a few seconds my vision fades.
My Jain, my poor little jain, what are you going to do without me.
Just wait a moment, I shall be right beside you...


Daily news reporting today, this is your host.
Today, Delhi, witnesses one of the most bone chilling and horrifying crimes to have taken place in recent memory.

A college student by the name of Priya, murdered her fellow classmate Jain in cold blood.

According to witnesses testimony, Jain and Priya never hung out with each other, they were strangers to each other.
While some report, Priya to be stalking unsuspected Jain.

After she murders her innocent classmate, She dressed her up and after applying heavy makeup, took the dead body out in public and visited several places.

The people there found something unnatural between the two and reported the sights to police.

The same evening, the police barges in discover's the body of victim with torn clothes and heavy blush applied to cheeks.

The criminal after getting apprehend, took poison hidden beneath her molar.

Dying with an oddly creepy smile on her face.

Well that's all for today folks, now time for our next big news.....

© yepyuno