

.........Fourteen years ago.........
Williams and his pregnant wife (Bruce parent),they were both heading home at this night.".....dear I will be so happy if we turn as the owner of a company" His wife said and smile when continue their conversation.william place his palm on his wife belly and smile back "and I will get alot of money to take care of my baby boy.."he said and they both laugh out.But when they were about to get to their house,They saw someone shadow moving around.which they noticed someone was walking along with them. unexpectedly,A bunch of blow come to William he quickly grab the hand and hit the person a bunch on is neck which make him fall on the floor.The wife got shocked, William call on her and she recovered "hide there , don't come out aside I come pick you!"William shouted pointing to a direction for is wife.His wife ran quickly and hide. Than he turned to the person he hit , the person rose up,"who are you?!"William shouted and also panting.The person who was putting on a face cap smile and said "am here to have the company files"when he heard that,then he recall there was a person which he didn't know him, ask for him to sell the company for him but he said,he can't "
"You were send by shadow right?"William asked and the person nodded and said"so can I have it " William move closer to the person and said"no!...I can't do what he want"there was a silent for a while"than am here to have by all means "The person said and give him a bunch in his belly.william fell to the floor in pain."I don't wish to do this but I have no choice!"The shouted when hitting william.he got tried and he sat on the floor restlessly.william Reagan his strength ,he hit the boy instantly,he keep bunching the boy before he heard his wife screaming.his clothes where all saints with blood "honey... honey...."before he moved more steps,his wife were drop to him by those shadow boys,"please let her be,she is carrying a baby.."William fell to his knees and pleaded,"You did a great job"Pa man who was putting on a black suit which he looks he was working in a office.One of the boys who came along with the man in black suit ran to the dead person that was killed by William,he place one of his finger to his neck and said "he's dead"he said to the man in black suit.The man in black suit quickly tap on the earphone that was place on his ear and said "Sir ....his dead.....ok....yes....I will......ok" The man in black suit turn to William and also turn to is wife"Bring them with me"he said and they all headed to a direction.They got to a place were a car was parked.They all move in to the car.when they all get in, there was a man seating on a office chair,he was turning to the front which they won't be able to see is face."welcome...."He said with a deep voice that scared Willam and his wife."please don't kill us , please....my wife is carrying a baby... please.."William pleaded, weeping hot tears."First thing to do is introduction....my name is shadow, The second thing to do is question and answer.the person you kill is my son...why did you kill him?"He said without not turning to them.William so scared and shivering "please....I didn't do it purposely,I did it for safety... please"he pleaded.shadow exhale"Then... what should I do to you?..."he asked."please....we are going to do anything you ask " William said.now shadow turn to them but he was putting on mask"am not the type that ask for money, but you are going to do something for me.ok..."shadow said."I will do it...I will..." William replied, bowing his head.Shadow nodded"okay... The baby that your wife is carrying.... will be mine when he or she grows up....ok..."when William and his wife heard that, they both look at each other and his wife nodded as a sign."okay...we will do it "he gives reply.".... And proofing smartness can't help you..."Mr shadow make it clear to them.
Bruce's POV....
"SHADOW"I said,Than I remember the story about them through my parent."Did you know us now?...."the deep voice said.They was a silent for a while and I later speak "yes....." "Okay... that good to hear.so...come to the location I just told you...bye"he quit the call. I quickly run into my room to pull off my school uniform and dress up,I headed to the location he told me.... Some minutes later.i got to the restaurant,I move in and went to meet one of workers.i ask her "pardon.....can you show me the direction that leads to room 205?"she nodded "sorry...I should make a call before I lead you there"she said.she place the microphone on her"sir.... you have a visitor.....yes...ok"she turn to me "name please?"she asked."Bru.... sorry I mean Eric"I replied.she nodded just to give sign that she heard me."sir....his name is Eric....ok...I will..."she said and end the call,than she point to a direction "move to that way...those rooms are number."she said and I give her reply "Thank you..."I appreciate."don't mention..."she smile.I head straight to the room was
When I got in there.To me it seem like a party,"Hey boy u really Eric"A tall good looking guy, which he was putting on a white T-shirt and a black short trouser.This may him look like one of the Gangstar."yes"I give a reply."come with me.."he said and move to a direction which I can't tell."hey... Eric u really a grown up boy"this is the man, which I spoke to him when I was as home."welcome... guy.my name is lucky....."."pardon...am here for my parent"I quickly cut in .
"Okay...can I have it?"He turn to one guy,who was standing beside him.The guy give him a ipad.i got confused at first.what will ipad do....."have this... and close it " he said and gave me the ipad.I collected it from him and asked "what for?"."will you have some words with your parents"he replied.I look at the screen and to my surprise,i saw my parents through the screen,I broke in tears "mum, dad....are u okay...did they hurt you?"I said."Bruce we are really okay,no hurt,no harm....are u alright "my dad said."crying baby.... your time is up "The man in black suit said.I just stared at him and look back to the screen."mum.... dad,if they harm u,let me know.take care......"I said.They both nodded"Eric... make use of my ATM, what u need to get, just get it by using that....."suddenly,I saw a man picture and he end the call.Tears roll down from my face.I close my eyes, take a big breath just to control myself.I raise to my feet, open my eyes and look straight to the man in suit "But u said,I should be here for my parent..."I pull out the words that was in my mouth.he smile "But you speak with them and...u did some mistake by saying that I said u should come here for your parent...."He raise up, walk towards me"....I said if u wish to see your parent and u saw them.right?"Those words coming out from his mouth, make me angry the more, that I can't control myself.I hit him at his mouth,he fell down.Before I would say a word,I received numbers of bounce.I get restless and then the beating get stop "You have a week left to agree with us and if not... Your parent is dead..... Today is friday.so I will give you some days before counting and the count will started from monday.if u have chose the part u we take.... just call the number that is with you.... hahahaha...."he laughed and nodded slowly"Brave boy.... Bye "he said and they all headed out and I was left alone in the room.It take a while before I get a little energy.I tired to stand on my feet but I fell time's without number.I tired my best and get out of the room.when I got out from the room.my legs can't move anymore,I hold onto the wall.Suddenly I heard my name "Bruce..."That voice sounds so familiar.But who will that be.I turn to look at the person and to my surprise,I can't belief the person I saw "Richard...."I said.but all I can see after seeing Richard, turn's black and I fainted.

Hi,my reader I hope you really enjoy this part.more are coming, and if there is any error, please chatt on me and no insult.please🙏🙏🙏🙏 I need followers.Thank you so much.