

Ghost rim
He was riding then he saw a ghost in the streets. An then it happened he hit the
fire hydrant and then he rolled out before the police came. An now all you see is this hubcap laying on the thing as you walk by it. So every time some ride by they been disappearing from the scene. With all kinds of actions just going on. I came pass there one day and saw that ghost she had a fat ass. But I was not going to deal with that. So I faked her out then run around that room. It was so crazy but hey I am alive he was going to kill or was it a she I could not tell. All I know it was body all over the place. So I got away but for how long. So I need police protection like that witness relocating stuff y'all do so put me on so I can get out yes. So he took me to the chief an he said ok then now I am in New York city and my name is ragawar. So now I got to play that part yes. But then miss trouble come in here. who is that the worst day in my life. She was a car dealership lady
who wanted more then to sell me a car. So I knocked her out sat her ass in the back seat an said bye but we had had
14 shots of bruben so she was toasted
and woke up the next day and for got she sold me a car. An then as of today I have been driving for free. So I will be waiting for my witness location check to come in the mail and I lay low most days as to not get got an driving free
with this new car. But I wonder when
so man is going to pick up his rims at the place where I saw it earlyer to.