

The Angel of this Earth
My mom has been my friend, mentor and well wisher throughout my life. she has given me so much love and support that i can' t explain in a few words. She has faced so many problems and struggles for me. I have never been a good son throughout my life. She has always motivated me to do better. Right now, I am away from mother due to this lockdown scenario. But, I swear god that I will never leave my mother alone. I will be by her side till she is in my life. I have realised the importance of family thanks to the lockdown. My mother is getting weaker nowadays. She is already a patient of Asthma and High BP. She has neglected her health for our family. She has never thought about her own life at all. I just want to say" thank you" to my mother. Thanking her whole life will also not be enough for what she has done!!!. O mother, you are the definition of love, you are love itself, you are the epitome of kindness, symbol of courage and patience and a sign of greatness. It is really said that parents are the real gods on this earth.