

Simple Diary of Mine
Sixth Page

Heavy rain suddenly came in, I stayed at home watching the rain while having a book and a coffee by my side. Rainy seasons is actually my favorite. It relax my body and mind just by listening the rhythm of rain drops. I only lived here for only a few days but I already found a best friend I could ever had. I hope I get to see them again.

At noon, the rain stopped and at my doorstep I found a basket with a baby on it. I immediately get it inside and luckily, I found some baby clothes on the closet. It was baby boy named Cleo, I found his name on the handkerchief he's holding. Cleo doesn't cry much after he wakes up, however, he keep staring at me like he's wary of me. I did my best and use my knowledge on how to properly take care of a baby.

At first, I thought his race was a human but he's actually an elf. His ears was covered by his baby hat that's why I thought he's a baby human. I think this baby understand me, isn't because he's an elf? I read it in book that elf is an intelligent being and vegetarian. Baby Cleo doesn't eat meat I feed him, he only eat potatoes, carrots and cabbages. Baby Cleo is such a cute baby. Light blonde hair with emerald eyes, he has a birthmark on his left upper chest. His birthmark is like a leaf, so beautiful but he doesn't like it to be touched.

I enjoy taking care of him. Tonight, I put him on bed beside me. He sleeps quickly and so adorable. The rain suddenly came back, it even made my body comfortable to sleep now. I hope Baby Cleo will grow up into a fine man.

End of the Sixth Page
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