

Magic Realms Hidden Secrets (Chapter eight)
Chapter eight.


Luna awoke the next morning to a sea of emotions. She was happy first, seeing Jacob's arm wrapped tightly around her. But then realisation dimmed the happiness when she knew that they were a day's journey from Mayfeild. She gently tapped Jacob on the shoulder.
"I wanted to be the one to wake you up," he said playfully.
"Amber, Andrew and Ocean will be awake any moment, and I don't want the whole world to hear about our night, get up."
"Anything for you~", he teased.
She rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Now Luna", Amber said over dramatically as they walked out of the forest into the entrance of a field. Luna could almost make out the stone pathing that led to the entrance of Mayfeild. She would soon confront her mother. It made her nervous but at the same time determined. She had been thinking about their 'meet-up' for countless hours. She wanted her mother filed for treason, but knew better than to dare lay down an accusation. She would find a way when the time was right.
"Luna, are you listening!?" Amber said in annoyance.
"Sorry, I was lost in a world of thoughts".
"As I was saying- Luna and Jacob were certainly NOT on night shift! Poor Ocean stayed up all night because you two were nowhere to be found. Jacob insists you two had to 'talk about tomorrow's plans' but I think otherwise." She gave them an accusing glare.
"You are correct Amber, we were not talking about tomorrow's plans. Your next question will be as to what topic we were discussing, and I'll put this bluntly, it's simply none of your concern or business", Luna said, slightly amused by Amber's irritated expression. Ocean tried and failed at suppressing a giggle.

When Luna had introduced Ocean to Amber and Andrew, Amber had made Ocean turn crimson in embarrassment. Andrew however had just simply told her his name and shyly glanced fondly at her. Ocean was shy by nature and was overwhelmed with all the attention she had gotten. Amber's first impression wasn't the best, but after the few months they had spent together Ocean had confirmed Amber to be a trustworthy friend. Andrew and Ocean had grown particularly close. They seemed to share a strong bond that no one besides themselves could understand. Together they would talk for hours as if they had both finally found someone they could relate to.

"We are here", Luna said, a pinch of sadness in her voice. Ocean gave her a reassuring node as they walked along the rough stone path. They reached the hill and Andrew suddenly stopped.
"Ocean and I were talking lately and, well, Amber and I live in a cottage in the woods, it is nearby, Ocean has agreed to stay with us for a while. So we will visit town often," said Andrew. By the look on Amber's face, Luna could tell she had not been informed on this matter. Luna squeezed her sister's hand and nodded her approval.
"Please tell us if you need anything, anything at all. Also, Luna can you tell Maya to meet me at the park tomorrow? I have missed her dearly." She and Andrew left without another word. Amber remained.
"What? This manor looks exquisite, I wish to explore!" Amber said as she invited herself in. As soon as they had entered Luna felt suddenly overwhelmed.
"I need to sit down", she said using Jacob's arm to stay standing. He quickly led her to the dining table next to the kitchen. She heard familiar voices through-out the manor. She saw a blurry figure come rushing towards her before she passed out.

Luna awoke to her old bed. She sat up and saw two people deep in discussion. Her eyes focused and she saw that the people were Jacob and Jessica. Jessica rushed at her and pulled her into a ferocious hug.
"You had we worried beyond my wits. I've missed you so. Why did you run away saying nothing? Do you know how stressful these past months have been!? Luna you're my best friend! I cried myself to sleep numerous times, and oh dear God, Astrid's tempers! She has given me a lifetime's worth of hatred, rudeness, dread and overall exhaustion! She threatened me numerous times to give her answers I didn't and still don't have! The ONLY relief I have felt was when I heard that Jacob was missing too because I knew he was probably with you and that you probably weren't dead." Tears of every possible emotion were falling down Jessica's face. She managed to calm herself a little.
"Luna I-i have been tortured emotionally and e-even physically", she said shakily as she rolled up sleeves to reveal lash marks. Luna was mortified. She had left her behind in hopes to provide Jessica protection, but instead she had been deeply hurt.
"I know it's not your fault, so don't blame yourself! I just wish you had told me".
"I'm sorry Jess. I was trying to protect you and instead I made an everlasting wound that will definitely scar", Luna said miserably.
"But wounds heal over time Luna! I'll get through this, I'm grateful to have you here now. Things will only get better from here!" They shared a warm embrace. Luna felt good to find a trace of bliss in a place of so many terrible memories, however there was a dreadful thought at the back of her mind questioning if things would really be looking up. There was a gentle knock at the door. Luna answered it.
"Luna! What a pleasant surprise, welcome home!" Maya said joyfully, her face lighting up.
"Maya! I have missed you dearly, I am surprised you hadn't heard of my arrival yesterday?"
"Yes so am I really, I have been so busy lately! So many important guests have been arriving the last few weeks, and every time they did I had to clean every surface all over again! It's quite frustrating really. In fact a new guest had arrived just yesterday, though she is rather peculiar. She didn't seem to even know who lady Astrid is… or even seem to have any manners! Amber I think her name was. Anyway, I would be interested to know how your past weeks have been if you don't mind?"
"I wouldn't mind, except I am not the one to tell you. You see, another very important guest told me they wished to see you. They wanted to meet you in the park, I believe?"
Maya gave her a curious look.
"Then I shall meet with them promptly".
As Maya disappeared down the hall Luna couldn't help but smile. Jacob walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Unfortunately there are other people we have to meet with", he said grimly. She took a deep breath and nodded nervously.

When they went to Astrid's chamber she was not present. Luna frowned a little, seeing two sturdy guards planted in front of the door, blocking her entrance.
"I am Luna Rose, daughter of Lady Astrid, please allow me to wait for her presence in her chamber", Luna said impatiently.
"Unfortunately Luna Rose, daughter of Lady Astrid, I cannot allow you to enter Lady Astrid's chamber as she has given me strict orders to not let anyone, no matter the circumstance, into her chamber without her presence," one of the guards said dismissively.
"Fine. Where can I find her?"
"She has an important meeting scheduled now, if you like I can tell her you wished to speak with her when she next arrives?"
"Alright". She grabbed Jacob's arm and they left.
"I have no intention to see her later, so I shall just have to interrupt her meeting", Luna declared as they walked towards the meeting hall. Her mother always had been cautious to people over hearing her private affairs so the meeting room was made from dense, almost soundproof oak wood. It had a locked door so Luna was forced to knock. She heard the latch click and the door unlocked. She and Jacob were greeted by a sturdy man who appeared to be of high rank, as he was wearing a blue velvet shirt, with gold buttons.
"What do ya want? I don't have all day", the man said gruffly.
"I wish to see Lady Astrid, we had a meeting scheduled weeks in advance for today, perhaps there was a mistake in her schedule?" Luna lied. Astrid wandered over to the door to see who was disrupting her meeting. Her look turned from annoyance to curiosity.
"You are all dismissed for now, come back later, I had forgotten this meeting was scheduled. Out!" Astrid said impatiently. She motioned for them to follow her and lead them to her private chamber. Her dress was a dark green and it showed her authority. It had black snake-like stitching and rubies the same colour of her lips, as buttons. The dress highlighted her perfect figure and was trimmed at the shoulders. Her hair was curled and decorated with a gold snake-shaped pin.

"Well my dear Luna, you have certainly exceeded my expectations. I felt my spell being removed that day and you really should not have come here. That was foolish. You see your sister came to me about her powers, demanding answers. I told her nothing and simply… made her disappear. You see she shares my powers, you however I did not know had magic. I could sense her power, but not yours. This leads me to believe that you share your father's. Well I am indeed guilty of treason and you know, so I suppose I will have to keep you silenced", her smile was savage.
"Well Luna first what would you like me to do with your little companion?" She asked cruelly.
"Please don't hurt him!" Luna blurted out, instantly regretting her words. Astrid smiled.
"I won't if you do me a favour…? You have three options. One I kill Jacob and free yourself, and I allow you to escape. Two, kill yourself and I spare him, and I allow him to escape. Or three I banish you and set him free under conditions. The conditions for option three are, if you ever come back from your banishment then I kill him and if he ever retaliates against me, you both die", Astrid's tongue was a scorching acid.
"I nearly forgot you have until the sand in this hourglass falls, I will ask you your decision and if you don't have one… well I suppose we let fate decide…", Astrid walked elegantly into the second part of her chamber, with a unmistakably smug smirk plastered dangerously across her face.

"Is there a way out?" Jacob breathed desperately after Astrid had disappeared through the second door. Luna scanned the room. She had never really been allowed into her Mother's chamber. She knew that the door was locked and assumed that, like every grand chamber in the manor, it had a secret passage but Luna knew it was located in the second room. Astrid was cunning and clever, she had purposely left the room so they would try to escape and end up panicking and not thinking clearly. What Luna didn't understand was why all the trouble? She could kill them on the spot effortlessly and no one would know. She knew instinctively that something was amiss. Option three. Was it her intuition or the strange magic speaking to her? Luna hadn't heard the silent whisper of it since Ocean's rescue. A wave of knowledge washed over her. She realised that this very moment was fated since her birth.
"I've made my decision", Luna called out firmly. Jacob gave her a desperate glance as Astrid walked into the room.
"Option three", Luna said nervously.

Suddenly the room was eerily quiet. Luna knelt down on the floor in the middle of the room as instructed, mint scented candles positioned all around her. She felt nauseous as she thought of the fact that Jessica and Ocean had no idea what was going on. Her heart was beating at a quick pace and her breaths were sharp and hollow. Her mind raced as she watched all the candles change from a glowy orange hue to a shadowy purple one.
"Ad quos eieci te de terra hac simul!" Astrid said in a chant like manner. Suddenly the floor beneath her turned dark and she noticed a whole world beneath her feet. She heard Jacob cry out, "Luna!" She wanted to tell him she'd come back to tell him to stay strong and await her. She pushed her thoughts at him. He gave her a grim nod and she knew her message had been received. She began falling and her vision faded…

Option three she had said… funny how two words can change a future so drastically. Seeing the girl I love, the one person who has been with me since the dawn of time, submerged into darkness. I feel like my heart has been carved open and I still linger to the last piece of life I have left, not letting my soul find peace. I guess the silver lining is that Astrid at least kept her part of the deal, not that it really matters. I will be headed to the barracks. Perhaps my mind will wonder to a darker place when realisation kicks in, perhaps men will fall lifelessly around me, perhaps I will be in too much pain to breath and everyone I have ever loved will be long gone, but even still I will await you, even if it is in a different time in a different place… I will await you Luna… so I declare this pledge to you.
I promise, on my life, that I am yours and I will only ever be yours, through thick and thin I only dream of you. Perhaps you have put me under a spell because the anguish I feel in the present seems more painful than any battle scar, and the anger towards the one who banished you is stronger than a tsunami ready to crash into the heart of a city, yet I know I must keep this anger at bay.

-Jacob Forster.

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