


Dear friend !
I have to ask you something , can I ? Ohhh let's be ask😎😎
Who are more dangerous than animal?
🙋I know the answer but want to know from you all to get assure thats am I right ?

I'm right,💁 .right ,you guessed it.high figh
if not than ...Ohhh don't worry.

You can get my answer in the end ..so be stay with me...💁😈😈
Other questions is ..
Do you afraid by snack,🐍 ? I do 😖. But not that much ..😜
I afraid by how they move ,walk in s shape ..sit in round shape and and turn so fast and eat slow(I don't like slow people🙅..just it👼 .
Everyone watching always something in discovery about animal and snacks to ..I know many name about them like black, green mamba , water snake Kobra ,and others too.
they say loud🗣️ and many time not every snakes are dangerous .

I know,but what name I was mention before are dangerous 😜😳😈 they can bite and poisoning.😬
but talking about normal snake who eat rat not human. I mean not dangerous for human and come out in rain or summer ...but not dangerous.✌️
even though don't mess with them they can still bite ..,😜
like if you mess with your parents ahhhh mom👩or in special case to dad 👨or in normal case to mess with girlfriend 💃 they also bit💪👊💨 you till you wish to die or maybe till you lost your heir 👽 and become another planet species by the way ☠️ danger is everywhere in everything☠️ha ha 😂😂

So what I was saying🤗 ..

how can a animal not try to treat you the way you treated them. Even that's not a abuse but ahhh how I explain 🤔🤔🤔
like if you walking slow, think about it, to slow which hard to bear 🚶in summer heat hm normal heat also bad here 🌇🌡️and than there some one 🕴️👻 popup infant you and now have to find a way🛣️ to out his side to deferent side or turn your self to run..🏃
Why you would be need to run? Do you think🙆🕵️
Mmm oh🙆 ! But hey.. by the way people try to hide and run if someone come without notice infant them and mostly who ,whom they have to pay money ..i mean after borrowing cash from someone people try to avoid that person hmhmm 😜😉right ..
So think like that if you have to pay cash to that person who is coming from front toward you and you walking like dead in summer ..and hardly moving toward in heat .. he coming close ..more more ...mooore..more how can you stop your frustration .than 😤😡😱
You know what I mean..🤔
Ahhhh you got it !!! 😂😂..

(To be continue...🕵) If you want to know what the story have end and what the main topic of it..... wait .
Started with fun so can catch you alls mind in my topic ..and wish you will stay to next chapter and like it ..)

© pratima das