

"So, its tomorrow, will u go Sam??"

"No! why should I? I don't want to break my already broken heart! My eyes were swollen, my hands were trembling, still! Still I was yearning for him! Still my stupid, fucking heart, thought that he will come to me!.I was alone! Sarah! I was alone!"

"Sam! cry all u want. But if u don't get rid of your last wish, how will you ever be able to move on girl??"

"I don't know! I am confused! I should go? I should not? I don't know!"

"Okay, Lets just sleep, now. Tomorrow think through this wisely. All I want to say is take your decision carefully. Its upto you, whether you want to move on or remain stuck in the past. Good night."

"Yeah! good night!" I tried to speep vainly.


9:00 am, "The much awaited meteor shower is here" The news flashed, smell of burning toast, I left in the chaos without waking Sarah up cause I didn't want to talk about today. The train was as usual late. I was lost in my own world, coming back into reality by bumping into people.


I took the usual train. Again, my seat was beside the window. I looked from the window, the tragically beautiful night sky, A graveyard of broken stars. It was just 1hour left for the meteor shower. Suddenly, my eyes saw a shooting star. Tears fell down my eyes. I tried to control them, but I couldn't. I was crying though I promised myself, I'll not.

The next moment, I heard a voice, "Heartbreak?", the voice claimed. I looked up to see an old man with brown hair, wrinkles on face, his eyes looking at the shooting star.

"Six months back, on this day, I met him for the first time. We both fell for each other. The only difference was He liked me but I, i loved him!. "I'll be your moon!" he had claimed. I believed in every word he uttered from his fucking mouth, cause I loved him! He stole every part of me, ever freaking part. My lips, my heart, my soul and even my smile. I was just his desire, a desire that gradually turned to boredom."
"One moment, he was here holding my hand, raising my hopes and the next moment, I found myself begging for him from all the stars in that graveyard!"
"How easily he said 'ITS OVER!'
and left me! all alone! with the broken stars, with false hopes, with tears.


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