

The Lucky Victim 3..
While she was waiting in the meeting room, Liana's boss asked her why she took such a long break. This was the first time she was late coming back to the office. "Have you had coffee?" Said his boss with a smile.

Liana: "There was an incident in the
elevator and I couldn't bear not to
help so I was a little late."

Boss: "You know, there's a rumor that
the Chairman is very strick and a
meticulous businesswoman."

"Improve your work even more
Liana, you are a candidate for this
managerial position. Don't let me
down, I'm the one who
recommended you for this slot."

Liana: "But what about you? Aren’t
you more qualified for this

Boss: "Ah Liana I have filed for an
early retirement so you are in
charge now - haha."

Not quite done yet, thank you for reading and stay tuned for the finale...

©2021 laini1205
13th July 2021