

The White Eyes (chapter 4)
If you didn't read chapter 3 you should

I was confused why did i have wings, and why did i have black eyes, am i not a white eye, what am I. I went out of the bathroom to talk to halo. She was waiting in front of the bathroom, i say "where lightning" and she start leading me into a room. It was kinda dark compared to my house and there was a treadmill and a desk with a Futuristic monitor. Lightning was running on the treadmill, i asked lightning and halo if i can look on the monitor, they said yes. They trusted me, I looked on the monitor and sure enough, there was 1 email. I looked at it. Of course it was from the GM and it says "hello, it seems you fimd a partner, they sould be able to help you on your journey smh i made them find you".
How did he know were I am, I ask to myself. Then the crime radar went off, it was at kidcity bank, lighting ran and halo flew, and I tp. When i gotten at the bank lighting was there and halo just has gotten there. I was walking inside, felt like someone was watching me. I was inside the bank, halo was outside and lighting was with me. It was dark, lightning said we sould split up, I agree. I went upstairs while jack/lightning was down stairs. I went into a hall way and then into a safe room. I looked in the big safe and there was still money in there, i was confused. All of a sudden i gotten pushed in the black portal with a monster following me in. He said "hii iim la-doom-blag reememmber mmee". I then realized who he was, when i was waiting on the roof top the White Eye said we was waiting for la-doom-blag. "Yes i do remember you" his eyes glow black not white and his wings was big and slimy. I ran at him scratching and biting his flesh, he didn't even flinch. Instead he tossed me in thr BP and teleport me in that hallway. There he was at the end of the hallway, his wings was flapping, blowing wind at me. I gotten knocked over by the wind and la-doom-blag jumped on me biting me with his many layers of teeth. He/she was ripping my flesh with blood going over, I past out from the blood lost. I woke up a bit and saw me with a sword fighting the creature, I past out again.

When i woke up the creature was gone, no body, only a sword that was covered in blood, also there was no flesh wound and scars. I was scared, I teleport to Jessica base and i ended up in the treadmill room. I yell "Jessica... jack... halo, lightning." She responded back with "oh play blue, you back" I walked to the bathroom and took the med. When i was walking to Jessica, i looked behind me and almost the same wings as la-doom-blag was growing out of my back and stopped growing. I looked away and wanted them to go away, I looked back and saw no wings.

To be continue
© crazygamesYT