

The Way That I See
I use to see good in bad but now I just see clearly. That life is no good on just wishing, hoping, praying and fate alone rather the will to live it making life worth every mile every frown and smile!

Growing up my only goal was not getting a woopen and remembering what I want to be when I grew up. Well I grew up but I didn't emotionally mature like others whom seemed to have a cold heart, and un bothered about the most concerning things. I thought that wasn't fair for others not to care much as I did. I had to learn though that everyone doesn't feel, Just like everyone doesn't care what your day was like, how your day going, what was on your mind.

I honestly felt my whole childhood was snatched away by day dreaming, because the way I seen it reality wasn't even real the people in it was showing fake love, had bad habits, tough love, bad communication and trashy behaviors. Playing with my can goods and shampoo bottles in a secret place was the best times of my childhood, didn't have to run get a drink out the fridge I was too young to consume nor go get cigarettes from people that creeped me out. The way I see is circumstances create division and brings a shortage of love because as humans we only happy when good things happening for us. Now imagine being in an environment of disconnect notices, eviction notices, alcoholism, drug addictions and too many mouths to feed and not a backbone. How much love you expect to receive from a poverty heart and mindset? Exactly, It's hard to give something you don't have time to give are know how to give.

The way that I see, Is straight forward no sugar no cutting corners. Life I always felt had something special to offer me, just not from where I'd expect it most from It always be the least expected places from the unexpected folks! Even though the way that I see doesn't make a right are wrong it's still remain to be an issue cause why I see everything bad good and good bad. This is why I write and create to escape!