

self thought
In a world where meaning fades away,
I find my truth in a solitary sway.
No need to worry, no need to care,
About the minds of others, or their stares.

I'll carve my path, though it seems astray,
For the crowd's judgment is mere dismay.
They won't feed or clothe me, won't be my guide,
In this life, I must stand with pride.

Live how I wish, do what feels right,
Even if it seems wrong in their sight.
For the burdens I bear, I bear alone,
In a world of shadows, I'm my own.

If my choices bring no guilt, no shame,
Then in my heart, I hold no blame.
Let them talk, let them jeer,
Their voices fade, as I persevere.

In the silence of my own domain,
I find strength, I break the chain.
No need to stop, no need to heed,
The foolish whispers, the planted seed.

For in this life, I'm the one to strive,
To work, to breathe, to feel alive.
So I'll walk this path, in light and dark,
Guided by my inner spark.

What benefits me, I'll seek and find,
With a clear conscience, and a peaceful mind.
In this dance of life, I'll lead my own way,
For in my heart, I've found my stay.
© Xyndrax_vylorn