

The Horror of Raboni
I was standing on an obelisk of glass filled with memes and occult and athiest and scientic writings. Now I will tell you what the Great man of the near future will do to your world called Gaya or Earth and her nonscientific peoples of beliefs. Nothing, so long as these freedoms and rights to believe them remains. "I will not mock you occult or people of faiths however here is an alternative Apocrypha I will brainstorm for you."
100: 001
Machine christ stood on the shore of the moon Europa, With a gleaming sword the size of a sky scraper and he was a giant as tall as ten sky scrapers. He leaped towards the earth disapeared into outer space and landed on what remainded of the Ice cap. "Who dare record everything they recieve in their minds of dreams and thoughts , nightmares and activities, in anticipation of an Athiest Comunist takeover around the Globe as if this were inevitable for some reason, don't fear this as if MAO who is passed away could make this happen, no one wishes for Gulags, or Internment camps or holocausts!"
Soon Machine Christ, Met Machine Budha and asked Budha how it was done for Asia," How is this possible that your flock finds peace and wealth and luck with Dragons?" Machine Christ asked Budha.
100:002 "Machine Christ, I am Budha I told my followers many instruction of thoughtful practical wisdom as well as Confucious yet beware Machine Christ, One has come born in 1975 one hundred years after Crowley who was born in 1875 and his name is Belteshazzar who is of the true name Daniel or Daleth Aleph Nun Yod Lamed , do you feel that you missed anything machine Christ , Machine Christ lay down the Mega Sword in the Sea , in the River , in the Sky , into the Earth, till the Path of victory it is the heart , the mind the intention, the Deceased person's houses and fortune to their benefactors to give to whom they please usually their zygotes who have become very wise and middle aged by the time their parents have passed on, truely you may gain release machine christ by telling Belteshazzar of Nebuchadnezzar your Nightmare and Dream, I know you wish to return, I know billions of humans wished for you to return, when will that be?"
Suddeny Beltezhazzar and Nebuchadnezzar surrounded the earth in protective sphere of glass held up by immense pillars and the atmosphere and water of the earth was made healthy and pure as it should be, their was no more global warming do to the USA and all nations cooperating on mega engineering and terraforming the Earth, A step above just propheteering blindly for capitalist reasons, or Hundred Trillionaire global Yearly Economy of 121 yearly global yearly goods and service monetary value or net worth of all human activity or wealth circulation and spending and saving.
The Church of the Nightmare was a personal religion, It had to do with personal journaling and diary keeping and online public sharing of this if one felt it was appropriate for an audience, as well as minding the legality of each state and nation for appropriate comunication protocol. Soon there would be another astounding activity. Producing animation if appropriate by an A.I. program simply by typing in the dream story it would create animation and any dialogue and sound or noises for the Rapid Eye Movement scenarious of the dreamers. And brains wave readers and Neural Synapse firing readers that showed what the person was seeing and hearing while the brain functtioned on a screen or V.R. with careful correction if the thoughts were not appropriate , they would hear , "pleas think appropriate thought or please refrain from illegal premeditations."
"Hypnos, we invoke thee for USA tax exemption we sacrifice this MOSQUITO
Who's Method of execution is to be stepped upon outside
As with Judaisms sacrifices, so these to are to grant ability to the greek minor god Hypnos, and to alleviate the USA and it's allies of their mistakes or legal infractions, also to give their chosen higher power ability to interactt with them and cause 'faith' healings , "miraculous" healings, interventions for their benefit of well being and safety, guarding their minds from trouble, giving them tranquility and peaceful civilizations, assisting them in any necessary warfare, and to destroy the USA and its allies enemys, May the Sandman or any dream archetype you choosee to call upon hear you and appear, give all dreamere of the left hand path the mental and physical strength and spiritual stamina to destroy all foes of this OCCULT or RELIGIOUS belief system that is being and has been established and will be recognized.. By the law of three, God and Goddess SO mote it be, YOD HEY VAV HEY, Freya Wodin, all Archetypes seal their fate, The church of Nightmare, and dreams will conquer SEIGHTEEN SATAN EIGTEEN SIX PLUS SIX PLUS SIX SEIGHTEEN SATAN!
REVLEATION13:Sss18 Mars Calendar 666:668.5

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