

pathway to the Divine by Rapheal Remedy Vontique Murray
Acceptance of the past is a must.
You can't go back and change it.
What is done is done, reflect on the life lessons and let it go and release it.
The same goes with repeatedly saying the same statements if your point wasn't taken then keep your opinion let people do them let it go and live your life. my new way of life is self development and self care each person has to do this for themselves, as for me, which is all that I control, I focus on positive input give positive output I laugh I love I share and I leave it there
I no longer pass judgement,if I can help I do, if all I can do is show support that's what I do there no magic wands just hard work,research,and spiritual growth, and daily sacrifice to a higher power. It may seem as I'm always on my soap box about one thing or another it's because I am excited about feeling better not being so overwhelmed or over emotional. Now what works for me may not work for you, but I will hold out my hand when you decide you want to get well.
Stay strong be blessed love you.
© Rapheal Vontique Murray