

Journey of the life.....(section-2)
About the things that actually happened-

When I was about 12 years old, the situation in my mind, family was average just like only average nothing else. My academic performance was declining as the time is going, but my family is happy to see how I scored.

They thinks that iam a very good student at all. but actually, they don't think or away from this kind of knowledge, that “there is a lot of competition in every and any kind of field”.

I don't know, what's the exact reason for my average perfomance in everything, either it will be my life or it will be my academics. my relatives, friends, are happy to see my progress, i.e, how I declining every day. But, still iam untouched of this kind of thinking.

Talking about my habits-

Picking up bad habits, becomes so lazy, is just normal in my life when iam in crossing my 6-8th standard. Then, one thing came into my life,i.e, Mobile phone. As the starting when I start to use mobile phones, it seems that it's normal, as the surrounding traffic is using it very efficiently.

Now, it becomes my habit to use mobile phone at regular basis, but as time going, it becomes very effective for my health,academics and whole life. “The Age Of 12-14 years teaches me a lot of life lessons”.

then I believed that mobile phone has it's own benefits and disadvantages also. It destroys my all kinds of creativity, effeciency, problems solving skills and much more stuff. I started to avoid using mobiles. but, due to it's necessity iam very sticked to use that stuff again at regular basis.

—“we will meet in the next section with some interesting people” »
© Arpit Kumar