

Take a step

Start taking a step in your life, start making some movement something great reasonable in your life

Since you've been born that's one great thing inside you that you wanna achieve but you see that obstacle that's standing on your way you have to over step it for you to be a better person in future

Start little but don't stay little the journey of thousand miles begin with one step, the soul that doesn't have an impact those not worth living.

Don't wait for being in high level before you start doing great things you wouldn't achieve anything

Maturity is not about when you start saying big things or doing big things it's all about when you understand small things... and life stop when we start struggling and learning

Life is simple take it simple for someone to acquire knowledge always be patient....life is full of obstacles and challenges but if you allow them to stand on your way you will never succeed.

When you want something go for it don't go back because of what others says about that thing it's your own dream you have to fight for it till the end.....and what you want exist don't give up until you get it

Life is a gift that has been given to you it's your hand to make the best of it....your time is limit stop wasting it living someone else life

Don't let the voice of others destroy your own inner peace, aim large in every area you are

Take one more step today of you win you'll be happy and if you lose you'll be wise

If you take another step and you fail don't give up because if you give up that is the only way you will guarantee that you are a failure


Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today, always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed in life is more that anything else

The most important in life is you should be yourself

Don't make yourself small to make others feel comfortable

Don't go back on one thing you have lose , you might lost everything

I know that you will be successful
© KJ writes ✍️