

The Contract Marriage

After registering the marriage, Aaron drove Jane to her house
Pack up the both of you I will send someone to pick you up in the morning, your sister will get to the apartment I bought for her and you come to my house,
Did he just say he bought an apartment for Liza.
ok she said, after all she had signed a contract and he had given her money to pay her debt, don't forget the main reason for the marriage is to convince my mom that I have a woman I love so that she can stop pestering me to get married Aaron reminded her before driving off
Jane I'm totally sorry I didn't mean to let this happen, please forgive me
Liza said as soon as Jane entered the house
Its okay Lisa I'm no longer mad at you besides I got the money to pay for the Debt so get dressed we are going to pay them off and pay for your exams as well she said
Oh my Jane where did you get the money hope you didn't do anything illegal am really sorry Jane
Geez you silly girl it's nothing like that how did you get the money then Liza asked
I got married Jane answered
Oh my god when did this happen you had a boyfriend and I didn't know and now you're married, just get dressed let's go and pay the debt Jane said trying to change the topic.
but will you move in with him? of course I will married couples live together Jane said
Then what about me are you going to leave me here
of course not he is getting an apartment for you
but I have to move in and live with him hope that is okay with you Jane asked
Are you kidding me I will get my own apartment,
he must be very rich, is he handsome? when do I get to met him?
Liza get dressed I won't say it again Jane said trying to change the topic
She left to her room and shut the door what has she done she was married now she still couldn't believe it
she didn't want to tell her sister that it was a contract marriage, she didn't want her sister to worry about her

It was later in the day jane had just paid the debt, she was happy,she was happy that she was no longer in debt she didn't like the feeling of being indebted to someone

She had few things to pack, she could hear Liza singing and packing happily
The next day the doorbell rang and Jane knew it was someone sent by Aaron to pick them, so she did a final check around the house and they headed outside
She opened the door and saw two huge men standing outside,
Good morning, Mrs Addison
Mr Addison asked us to drop your sister off at her apartment before bringing you home said one

When the got to liza's apartment it was pure luxury and very huge
happiness was written all over Liza's face
Not long after, Liza had finished unpacking and it was time for Jane to leave
Liza don't do anything stupid I will be back later okay.
Liza's apartment was pack with supplies so she wasn't going to need anything soon
Jane hugged her sister and she left with the men
She was about to start living the life of Aaron fake wife.
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