

My inner monologue
What you want to do?
*There's so many things*
Then why are you not doing it?
*Because I'm still stuck in the past*
But it's been so long why don't you move forward?
*Because I've become lazy*
So get rid of it, you know you will be happier?
*Yes but everytime I want to move it's like I'm stuck somewhere like I'm blank*
So you think you've done everything or suffer everything?
*Yes and no. I think there are some things which I want to still achieve while suffering.*
So again why are you not moving forward?
*It's just that I'm lazy and blank and confused. *
So when this lazy blank confusing stage will be over?
*I don't know. *
But you know, you are a hard worker, if you want to, you can achieve anything right?
*Yes, but I keep letting my works incomplete *
And you always feel guilty about it right?
*Yea, I want to push my self beat myself punch myself. *
But you love yourself more than that?
*Hmm, I love myself more than anything. *
And to love yourself more you have to survive and achieve. So, what do you want to do?
*Many things*
When you're going to do it?
*It's night, I've to sleep. I'll think about it tomorrow. *
© Aaria